Spleen histology pdf middle school

Rarely, mds is diagnosed in spleen without diagnostic findings in bone marrow peripheral blood e. The red pulp filters the blood average of 12 cm long, 7cm high and 4 cm thick. The spleen in local and systemic regulation of immunity ncbi nih. Red and pulpy the red pulp consist of blood vessels. Also remove heinz bodies or other red blood cell inclusions peripheral blood has howelljolly bodies if no functional spleen is present white pulp. On the outer edge, note the presence of a capsule from which short trabeculae containing a trabecular artery and trabecular vein extend into the parenchyma. Essential human histology focuses the beginning students attention on the most important aspects of this discipline which are presented as a series of learning units.

Pdf spleen histology in the female ohrid trout, salmo letnica kar. The spleen is encased in a thick connectivetissue capsule. The red pulp is a network of splenic cords cords of billroth and sinusoids. Spleen birte steiniger, university of marburg, marburg, germany the spleen is a secondary lymphoid organ present in all vertebrates. It is the largest lymphoid organ and thus the largest filter of blood in the human body.

Choose from 171 different sets of spleen histology flashcards on quizlet. The nodules of white pulp are wellspaced and have germinal center formation. Pdf the ohrid trout is an endemic autochthonous species dating from the tertiary period with an unique ecological and commercial value. Spleen human major cell population of red pulp of evolved.

The spleen is located in the upperleft part of the abdomen. Haley p, perry r, ennulat d, frame s, johnson c, lapointe jm, nyska a, snyder p, walker d, walter g. Symptoms or physical signs directly related to the presence of a splenic. Histology of spleen, lymph, and thymus heme onc with a at. Astragalus and ligustrum formula huang qi dong qing pian developed from fuzheng therapyresearch used in treat. Many of the conditions that we see as practitioners, relate to the concepts and theories discussed here. Stereological study of tissue compartments of the human spleen.

The red pulp sinusoids are markedly distended by erythrocytes arrow. Learn spleen histology with free interactive flashcards. For a hundred dollars, you could take a short course on the pathology of the spleen and get cme credits, or, for the same amount of money, you. The spleen as an elongated organ located on the middle part of digestive canal and microscopically. However, most nodules found in the spleen are secondary nodules that arise from primary follicles as the lymphocytes mature and increase in size. Spleen central artery central arteries branch from trabecular arteries and run throughout the white pulp. In contrast to the other organs we have seen so far, the spleen is not arranged into cortex and medulla. Aug 19, 2012 grossly, the spleen was enlarged, weighing 519 grams and measuring 16 x 11 x 6. With the spleen retracted medially, the phrenicocolic ligament is incised. Learn histology blood lymph spleen with free interactive flashcards. Warms and tonifies the middle burner, dispels cold, tonifies qi. Middle because it builds the qi of the spleen and stomach.

Anatomical and histomorphological study of spleen and pancreas. Spleen is an important internal organ that is on average not larger than the size of a fist. Foods that are naturally sweet and yellow in color such as squash, pumpkin, sweet potato, yam, and carrot benefit the spleen. In the adult, the spleen functions mainly as a blood filter, removing old red blood cells. The spleen is a secondary lymphoid organ present in all vertebrates. The white pulp, located around a central arteriole, is composed of the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath pals, tcell area, the adjacent follicles bcell area, and marginal zone bcell area figure 1. Deep profiling of mouse splenic architecture with codex. The microscopic structure of the spleen has been most thoroughly investigated. The spleen as an elongated organ located on the middle part of digestive canal and microscopically was. Spleen definition, a highly vascular, glandular, ductless organ, situated in humans at the cardiac end of the stomach, serving chiefly in the formation of mature lymphocytes, in the destruction of wornout red blood cells, and as a reservoir for blood. This diagrammatic representation of the spleen, should help you understand where red and white pulp come from.

Morphology and function of the spleen in bats, which are hosts to several viral strains without exhibiting clinical symptoms, remain to be fully elucidated. Forms sheaths of lymphoid cells around arteries periarteriolar lymphatic sheath, composed of t cells and lymphoid follicles b cells with surrounding mantle zone proliferating b cells and. Spleen histology findings and outcomes according to rituximab. Blood enters the spleen through the trabecular arteries, which branch into the central arteries aka arterioles.

Study 24 histology of spleen, lymph, and thymus flashcards from mario z. In humans it is about the size of a fist and is well supplied with blood. Figure 2 spleen congestion in a female f344n rat from a chronic study. Lymphatic system multiple choice identify the choice that. Anatomical and histomorphological study of spleen and. Histologically, the spleen architecture was altered with expansion of the white pulp nodules by small mature lymphocytes with no prominent germinal center formations identified figure figure1 1 a, b. May 17, 2020 the spleen is a fist sized organ located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. Splenic infarction is a condition in which blood flow supply to the spleen is compromised, leading to partial or complete infarction tissue death due to oxygen shortage in the organ splenic infarction occurs when the splenic artery or one of its branches are occluded, for example by a blood clot. University of malta, msida and 3dna laboratory, department of pathology, school of medicine. For now, you may use the links below to at least browse the collections of aperioformatted digital slides directly on the servers. Oct 25, 2012 overview of spleen histology presented by dr.

Like the lymph node, the human spleen is a highly compartimentalized organ. In middle school youll study the cardiovascular system. Department of histology, school of veterinary medicine. The red pulp has a normal vascularity and does not appear to be expanded. The spleen has a unique location, embryological development and histological structure that differs significantly from other lymphoid organs special histological features define several important functions of the spleen. Spleen histology an 7 ohsu school of dentistry youtube. Laboratory in stem cell biology, stanford university school of medicine, stanford. Histology of spleen 16 images normal spleen histology, image. Spleen is one of the important lymphoid organs with wide variations of morphologi. Illustrated pathology of the spleen modern pathology. This is a pdf file of an unedited manuscript that has.

The spleen is delivered to the midline by means of blunt and sharp dissection of the areolar plane between the kidney and the pancreas. Summary splenic pathology was analysed in 73 patients with immune thrombocytopenic pur pura who underwent. These include the white pulp with tcell areas and bfollicles, the nonfiltering lymphoid areas of the red pulp, the border between red and white pulp the perifollicular zone, the red pulp cord. Each compartment has its own structure, cell population, and functions. Pdf immune thrombocytopenia itp is an acquired antibodymediated disease, for which splenectomy. This paper explores the theories of li kao, originator of the spleen school who was very influential in the development of chinese medicine. May 11, 2020 the liver is the largest internal organ of the human body, weighing approximately 1. The 56 m sections were made using paraffin embedding techniques and stained by haematoxylin and eosin hande. The spleen has a unique location, embryological development and histological structure that differs significantly from other lymphoid organs. One of the following is not a characteristic of the endocrine system. These run within the white pulp of the spleen, immediately surrounded by a region of t cells called the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath abbreviated pals as well as nodules dominated by b cells. Cronic lymphocytic leukemiais a bcell leukemia that is characterized by the progressive accumulation of relatively mature, but functionallyincompetent, lymphocytes. Histological and immunohistochemical features of the spleen.

Among the organs are the lymph nodes, lymph veins, the thymus, the tonsils, the adenoids, the appendix and the spleen. Splenic pathology in immune thrombocytopenia journal of clinical. Pdf normal structure, function, and histology of the spleen. Histology department histology midterm examination a please note. These organs and tissues work to collect the excess fluid of the body and return that fluid to the blood. Inside, the mass of splenic tissue is of two types, the red pulp and the white pulp, which do not separate into regions but intermingle and are distributed throughout the spleen. Spleen histology slide this is a histology slide of the spleen. Histology of spleen, lymph, and thymus heme onc with a at creighton university school of medicine studyblue flashcards. The spleen is a fist sized organ located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. Circulating t and b cells frequently gain access to secondary lymphoid. The spleen is a secondary lymphoid organ specialized for filtering. We have not yet put together a complete index of the duke slide collection, but that is in the works.

The interpretation of splenic pathology is perceived as difficult by many histopatholo. Although it can occur asymptomatically, the typical symptom is severe pain in the left upper. The thickness of collagen and the presence of smooth muscle in the spleen are related to the spleen ability for contraction. Murine spleen contains a diversity of myeloid and dendritic cells.

Histology of spleen, lymph, and thymus heme onc with a at creighton university school of medicine. These vessels give rise to the penicillar arteries which bring blood to the red pulp. It is structurally complex and has a number of different functions such as immunological monitoring of bloodborne antigens, storage of blood and destruction of aged or abnormal blood cells. Abstract the spleen contains multiple subsets of myeloid and dendritic cells dc. Massachusetts general hospital and harvard medical school, boston, ma 02114, usa.

In addition, the lymphatic system helps the body fight. They are surrounded by groups of tcells that a form a structure called the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath. Department of anatomy and histology, faculty of veterinary. This is where the regions of white pulp are found then as the artery loses its sheath and branches to form pencillar arteries, and sinusoids. The spleen morphophysiology of fruit bats hanadhita. The spleen is an organ located in the upper left abdomen, and is roughly the size of a clenched fist. Spleen, organ of the lymphatic system located in the left side of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm, the muscular partition between the abdomen and the chest. Choose from 332 different sets of histology blood lymph spleen flashcards on quizlet. The two major functional zones of the spleen are the hematogenous red pulp and the lymphoid white pulp. It shows how the artery has a lymphoid sheath surrounding the artery, as it enters the spleen, with aggregations of secondary lymphoid tissue. It is structurally complex and has a number of different functions such as immunological monitoring of bloodborne antigens, storage of. Wilkins senior lecturer department of microbiology and pathology university of southampton, uk and dennis h. Completely intraperitoneal, except at the hilum, where splenic vessels enter exit, part of foregut anatomy of spleen.

Which lymphatic organs major job is to destroy wornout red blood cells and return some of the products to the liver. A major pediatric formula, used for children with delicate constitutions or chronic ear infections. This is a section of the spleen showing the fibrous capsule at the surface and the red and white pulp regions within the organ. Krauses essential human histology for medical students third. The white pulp is lymphoid tissue that usually surrounds splenic blood vessels. Congestion of the spleen is characterized by excessive distension of sinuses within the red pulp by erythrocytes figure 1 and figure 2, arrows. Current diagnostic pathology 1997 4, 100105 1997 pearson professional ltd histology of the spleen. Splenic haemangiomas figure figure1 1 remain the most common benign neoplasms of the spleen, although these are infrequent lesions, with larger autopsy series reporting the incidence at 0. It also plays a role in both cellmediated and humoral immune responses. Ilnstitute of histology and embryology, medical faculty, beograd, yugoslavia. In the vast majority of cases 24 they are incidental surgical, radiological, or autopsy findings. On the left middle and right panels, the msps are colored by expression levels of.

Embryologically it develops from the foregut and it spans the upper right and part of left abdominal quadrants. The spleen is covered by a dense capsule, and there are connective tissue trabeculae, which provide internal support for the spleen, and carry the blood vessels into the spleen. Similar to the case for lymph nodes, proliferating bcells within the white pulp may form lymphoid follicles with germinal centers. As the lymph nodes are filters for the lymphatic circulation, the spleen is the primary filtering element. Changes in splenic morphology correlate with shifts in cell.